Welcome to the Nerdy Nana Online! Nana creates all kinds of hand made crafts. From crocheted frisbees to seasonal creations. Greeting cards and cat toys. Nana would welcome you to leave comments as to where you are from and what kinds of crafts you like to do. She is always looking to meet crafters both new and experienced.
This site is for selling Nana’s crafts and for offering community event coverage in our area of Olympia, Washington. Both online and in person. Nana has several Live events each season. Keep an eye on the event calendar. All of Nana’s events are listed on it, come out and meet Nana in person at her next live event. Now, feel free to peruse the site and see what we have for offerings.
The Shop
The shop is not yet open. The minions are working hard to get it completed and running the right way. To keep things secure for all of us as well as making it easy to navigate the store as well as navigate the site. Please be patient with the minions as they get their work accomplished. We will put out in Nana’s Newsletter when the shop will open, hopefully a couple weeks notice. We will also advertise it on the main page when it opens fully. You may see the site show up and then disappear for a bit. Please wait until we notify you that the store is open before trying to buy anything.
You can sign up for Nana’s newsletter that goes out about once per month. She will never sell your information. We only use your information to take care of things on the site. We also use the fewest cookies possible on the site. Your privacy is important to us. Click here to sign up for Nana’s Newsletter.